英文寫作 – A Bored and Lonely Teenager


[ 學生原作 ]

A Bored and Lonely Teenager

Angel Wang – the twelfth grader


I am Jerry. One year ago, I, a troublemaker at school, was a twelve-grades student, having poor grades and no friends. Teachers didn’t like me. Feeling bored and lonely, I borrowed a motorcycle from a guy. I rode it as fast as I could every day, enjoying the frightened faces of people on the sidewalk. Not until the day when I ran into a big trunk, being severely injured did I make up my mind to stop this stupid and dangerous behavior. Now, I am a freshman in a college. Every morning, I will go to an elementary school as a volunteer to help the school deal with the traffic and protect the students. Today, I saw another teenager, who is riding a motorcycle at a super high speed. I advised him to ride at a safe speed only to be ignored. But I know someday he will understand what I am talking about.



[ 修改後 ]

A Bored and Lonely Teenager

Angel Wang – the twelfth grader


I am Jerry. One year ago, I, a twelfth grade student, was a troublemaker, having poor grades and no friends at school. Teachers didn’t like me at all. Feeling bored and lonely, I borrowed a motorcycle from a guy. I rode it on the street as fast as I could every day, enjoying the frightened faces of people on the sidewalk. Not until the day I ran into a big trunk, being severely injured did I make up my mind to stop this stupid and dangerous behavior. Now, I am not an ignorant teenager any more but a gradually mature freshman in a college. Every morning, I will go to an elementary school near my house as a volunteer to help the school deal with the traffic and assist the students in crossing the street. Today, I saw another teenager riding a motorcycle at a super high speed. I advised him to ride at a safe speed only to find being ignored. But I know someday he will understand what I told him.


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