英文大考常考題 – 17 重點與16相同
At the end of the day, they went home ________.
(A) tired (B) tiring (C) tire (D) tiredness
這題答案是 (A)。 (龍騰文化英文月考王4 綜合測驗家齊女中試題 p.69)
1. 當使用[ 來、去、坐、站、躺 … ]等動詞的時候,若有另一個動作同時發生,第二個動詞可以使用分詞。而第二個動詞是主動,使用現在分詞;若是被動,使用過去分詞。
2. 感覺疲倦要使用過去分詞。
3. 其他例句:
1) The pop singer stood surrounded by her fans.
2) Will’s sister, Joan, opened the door, and then Will came running down the stairs. (Oxford Bookworms – William Shakespeare p.7)
3) Sitting there complaining all day is what Violet will do after she is scolded by her parents or teachers.